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Investor Education

We believe that financial literacy is an important step of your wealth journey and it may not always be easy to find reliable resources. See below to find education and insight on financial markets, economic environments, and investing principles.

Focus on Your Finish Line

The past 15 months have given investors enough uncertainty to last a lifetime. Now, in May 2021, with nearly 38% of all Americans being fully vaccinated, inflation fears becoming tangible, equity markets shifting between euphoria and correction, and speculation running rampant, many uncertainties still remain.

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The Reopening Era May Finally Be Here, But Risks Still Remain

Investors and global citizens alike are now over a year removed from the initial COVID-19 scare that shuttered businesses, brought economic activity across the globe to a halt, and caused a shift in human habits and interactions.Now, after a year that was, at minimum, challenging, the vast majority of signs are pointing to the outcome we’ve all been patiently waiting for: life returning to “normal”

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American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

After a long and strenuous Senate session Friday night and after several amendments, the newest COVID relief stimulus package, this time valued at $1.9T, passed with a 50-49 vote early Saturday morning, March 6th. Senate Democrats used the reconciliation process, which allows budget-related bills to pass with a simple majority rather than the 60 votes typically needed, to pass the bill.

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